Welcome to the plant-soil interactions lab in the School of Life and Environmental Sciences at The University of Sydney. The lab is led by Charles Warren and has a broad range of research projects. Our lab sits at the intersection of plant physiology and soil biogeochemistry. We are interested in the internal activities of plants and soil, that is those chemical and physical processes associated with life (e.g. photosynthesis, respiration, nutrient uptake, osmotic adjustment). A special interest is in the ways in which plants affect soil and vice versa. Many of our projects investigate the roles of plants and soil in key ecosystem processes such as cycles of C, N, P.
We are located in the Heydon-Laurence Building on the Camperdown Campus. There’s apparently a ghost that inhabits our building. We cannot vouch for the existence of the ghost, but you can follow the link if you wish to learn more about Professor William A. Haswell’s ghost.